My work is entirely algorithmic art created with handwritten code. And while a computer might be able to perfect my algorithms, it could not recreate my work, thanks to the power of human error.
This may sound unorthodox to some, so let me explain. "Agile" is a term used in software development to describe the process of building something iteratively. For example, if you were to build a car, you would first build a skateboard, then a motorbike, and then a car--you would not build a piece of a car and then another piece of a car. Each milestone in your process is a fully deliverable piece of functionality. Along this journey, you yourself are improving - the impossible becomes possible. And maybe the product itself changes, and it is no longer a car, but a boat that you are building. When building a system for generative art, the system evolves with the artist.
Computer Programming is based on a set of rules, however, you hear artists say art is about breaking rules. I find this kind of ironic.